The more impulses take control over a person’s life, the more difficult and complicated life appears to become. Impulse can make a person become greedy, insensitive and thoughtless, doing or saying things that they may regret, become unfit, go for short term pleasures and ignore the bigger picture.

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Self esteem leads to many health issues whether it be anxiety, depression, weight gain or even just feeling isolated and overwhelmed to name just a few.

So find the power to change by using hypnotherapy to overcome your concerns and empower yourself.

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Take control over that Media Addiction – whatever type it maybe - by using hypnotherapy to break the pattern and take back your life.

Compulsive use of media, whether it be a phone, tablet, computer, online gaming, even television to some degree may all seem like harmless fun, however;

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On average, one in 50 people will experience OCD at some point in their lifetime. It is well known and understood that millions of people around the world will encounter this condition and it is a lot more common than you may think.

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Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation. Loneliness is also described as social pain—a psychological mechanism which motivates individuals to seek social connections.

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Life has become a little scary for many of us, particularly at the moment. We are afraid for ourselves, our children, our parents, family members and our friends.

It sometimes feels like you don’t know what is up or what is down anymore because the world feels like it’s completely upside down.

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Feeling anxious about meeting people and socialising is something that almost each and every one of us will experience to some degree at some stage in our lives.

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Bruxism is something many people suffer from, sometimes without even being aware that they are doing it and the cause really isn’t completely understood. Stop Teeth Grinding/Jaw Clenching

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We all begin life as “picky eaters”. The majority of people are born with a natural dislike of sour or bitter foods, which may be nature’s way of preventing us, as young children from eating potentially poisonous food that a child’s undeveloped digestive system just couldn’t cope with.

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Are you able to come to terms with the end of a relationship? Do you need help to really come to terms with the end of a meaningful relationship that has been bothering you in some way and you are having trouble putting it behind you……

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