A healthy reverence of heights is not a bad thing and being cautious around heights is a natural instinct for us humans that has proven very useful for our survival

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Fear of vomiting or emetophobia as it is sometimes called, can take two forms. It can either involves a fear of being sick yourself and/or a fear of other people being sick and often the two coincide.

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As humans, we have developed incredibly amazing imaginations that we use to tell ourselves how things could have been different in the past, or how they could be different in the future.

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The Obesity Epidemic – whilst discussion about (and media attention on) this topic seems to have it constantly in the front of our mind, the problem of obesity is getting bigger as time passes.

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It sounds ridiculous, but I wait until everyone is either asleep or out and then I go to the kitchen and I just eat. 

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For change to occur within us, self-acceptance is considered the prerequisite. It can be achieved by stopping criticizing and beating ourselves up. That is, tolerating and accepting of our imperfections.

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Distinguishing Harmless Fears from Phobias. Not all fears are harmful, in fact, many are even useful.

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So what is insecurity? The dictionary defines it as “being anxious or afraid, not feeling confident and being uncertain, feeling shaky or emotionally unstable.


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Natural childbirth training encourages a mother to see the labour and delivery as a time of activity, concentration and confidence, rather than a time of inactiveness and suffering.  

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How often have you heard about Childhood abuse, it affects the way we think, feel and respond to others and situations in our life forever, however, we can learn to overcome the thoughts and behaviours that were instilled within us as children.

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